Our house is like the in between house with them and Aunt Patsy...she lives in shelbyville now. Ashlynn was going to spend the weekend with her and they just met at our house. Ashlynn did practice her little saying for us before she left. She is now Little Miss Brownsburg and is in the Dream Girls Beauty Pagent. She has to stand a certain way and say a certain thing and she did very good. She said it so fast and wasn't cooperating right.
Alden is always glad to see papaw. They fight the whole time they are here or at least most of the time. Alden never wins, although he got papaw good a couple weeks ago. Papaw had a soar wrist and Adlen just didn't help it any. He's a monster
Jazmynn, well she is who she is. Gotta Love her, cause she's so sweet. She had some milk on the day and didn't want to let go of it. She wanted to take it with her when we went to get something to eat. The whole time we were gone, she kept asking about her milk.
Well until next time, hope all is well and be safe in your journeys...