Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Cat Walk

First, It's Tabetha's Birthday, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO TABETHA! We are having a girls night out on Friday to celebrate. I believe the plans are to pig out on Crab Legs at Oriental Buffet on the south side, YUM, can't wait. Then we are off to the bowling alley for a few games and DRINKS. We aint out to get drunk, to just to have a good time together. It doesn't matter what we do, we always have a good time.
Look here! I caught Snuggles hanging out at the front door. She was standing of the bar of the door and was looking out the window. She looked so cute with the wind blowing her furr. They both love getting up in the windows, especially if they are open.
We took the cats out in the back yard for a walk. Bad mistake, they didn't want to come in and they meowed at the door for about an hour.

It was such a nice day and I wanted them to at least experience the outdoors. Sneakers loved it, tried really hard to get away. Snuggles just slowly crept around. Scott thought it was kinda of silly at first, but you see he is holding a leash. I just don't want them to run away.
Oh by the way Thank you Tabetha for selling me camera, it is great, I love it. Tabetha got a new camera for her Birthday so I bought her other one. So guess what better camera, maybe better pictures.
Well, until next time, hope all is well.